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Earthcare for All.

The Wildstead Company is committed to creating thriving habitats for all Earthlings. We call them "Wildsteads." We prioritize the needs of every creature, from soil microbes to plants to animals and humans. Through our unique and compassionate edible and native plant designs, we seamlessly connect human habitats to the beauty and abundance of the natural world.

Guiding Principles

  • Your property is the piece of Earth that you're responsible for. Whether toxic or thriving, Earth's health on your land is your responsibility.

  • Cycles are sacred. Designs should place equal importance on beauty, food, and wildlife support for all seasons.

  • Soil is the first link in the food chain. Feed the soil first.

  • Reduce the size of unused lawn.

  • Fill every available space with intentional plants: native, medicinal, and edible.

  • Create nutrient loops on the property by managing leaves, grass clippings, etc. instead of removing them.

  • Be courteous to your community - human and wild alike. Use electric lawn care equipment when possible and keep maintenance appointments to a minimum.  

Meet the Team

Founder & Head Designer L.Be Sholar created The Wildstead Company to connect people with their food and the rest of Nature. She has a passion for homegrown food and is the designer behind all Wildstead designs.

L.Be Sholar

Wildscape Manager Sarah is enamored with all things outdoors. With an environmental science background and a passion for native plants, she keeps an watchful eye on the installation and maintenance of our client projects.

Sarah Hunt

We've rebranded as The Wildstead Company to reflect our ever-growing range of services. While our roots were in designing food gardens, we now offer much more. Our expertise extends to creating "wildsteads" - complete properties designed to harmonize with nature. 


No longer limited to food-focused services, we now specialize in native plant and edible garden design, installation, and maintenance. Our ultimate goal? To build habitats that foster a harmonious coexistence between humans and the rest of the natural world.


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